American Association for Aerosol Research - Abstract Submission

AAAR 35th Annual Conference
October 17 - October 21, 2016
Oregon Convention Center
Portland, Oregon, USA

Carbonaceous Aerosols in the Atmosphere

A Two-Year Study of Carbonaceous Aerosols in Ambient PM2.5 at a Regional Background Site for Western Yangtze River Delta, China. DONG CHEN, Hongfei Cui, Yu Zhao, Nanjing University

Aerosol Emissions from Western U.S. Wildfires and Correlation with Combustion Efficiency. SONYA COLLIER, Shan Zhou, Timothy Onasch, Dan Jaffe, Lawrence Kleinman, Arthur J. Sedlacek, Nicole Briggs, Jon Hee, Edward Fortner, John Shilling, Douglas Worsnop, Robert J. Yokelson, Caroline Parworth, Xinlei Ge, Jianzhong Xu, Zachary Butterfield, Duli Chand, Manvendra Dubey, Mikhail Pekour, Stephen Springston, Qi Zhang, University of California, Davis

Airborne-Based Levoglucosan Measurements and the Role of Biomass Burning during the WINTER Campaign. AMY P. SULLIVAN, Hongyu Guo, Rodney J. Weber, Colorado State University

Analysis into the Microphysical Properties and Behaviour of Black Carbon Aerosol. JAMES BROOKS, University of Manchester

Black and Brown Carbon at Duke Forest, A Biogenic Environment Impacted by Urban Influence. R. SUBRAMANIAN, Antonios Tasoglou, Spyros Pandis, Andrey Khlystov, Carnegie Mellon University

Broadband Measurements of the Mass Absorption Coefficient of Soot. Lindsay Renbaum-Wolff, Al Fischer, Taylor Helgestad, Andrew Lambe, Geoff Smith, Christopher Cappa, Arthur J. Sedlacek, Paul Davidovits, TIMOTHY ONASCH, Andrew Freedman, Aerodyne Research, Inc.

CARES 2010: Diurnal Variation in the Mixing State of Black Carbon Aerosols in Sacramento, CA. R. SUBRAMANIAN, Janarjan Bhandari, Noopur Sharma, Swarup China, Claudio Mazzoleni, Rahul Zaveri, Adam Ahern, Carnegie Mellon University

Characterization of Time-Resolved Atmospheric Aerosol Using an Automated Raman Spectrometer and a Multi-wavelength Aethelometer. STEVEN HILL, David Doughty, Alan Wetmore, Deryck James, US Army Research Lab

Chemical Characterization of Atmospheric Semivolatile Organic Compounds in the Greater Toronto Area. MANPREET TAKHAR, Mohammad Asif Iqbal, Arthur Chan, University of Toronto

Chemical Characterization of Water Soluble Organic Matter in Rural and Contrasting Urban Environments in the Southeastern United States. LU XU, Hongyu Guo, Rodney J. Weber, Nga Lee Ng, Georgia Institute of Technology

Chemical Composition and Optical Properties of Wildland and Agricultural Biomass Burning Particles Measured Downwind during the BBOP Study. TIMOTHY ONASCH, John Shilling, Joda Wormhoudt, Arthur J. Sedlacek, Edward Fortner, Mikhail Pekour, Duli Chand, Shan Zhou, Sonya Collier, Qi Zhang, Lawrence Kleinman, Douglas Worsnop, Robert J. Yokelson, Kouji Adachi, Peter Buseck, Andrew Freedman, Leah Williams, Aerodyne Research, Inc.

Climate Impact of Gasoline Direct Injection (GDI) Vehicles. GEORGES SALIBA, Rawad Saleh, Yunliang Zhao, Albert A. Presto, Andrew Lambe, Bruce Frodin, Satya Sardar, Hector Maldonado, Andrew May, Allen Robinson, Carnegie Mellon University

Comparison of Concentration of Carbonyl Compounds in Two Periods (2012-2013 vs 2014-2015) in Tijuana Airshed B.C.. DEISY SUGEY TOLEDO ARANGURE, Guillermo Rodríguez-Ventura, Ernesto Velez-Lopez, Alejandro Gomez, Jesus Guerrero-García, Mariela Ruiz, Bernabe Adolfo Ochoa Morimoto, Yazmin Adilenne Montoya Camacho, Alejandra Jaramillo Bernal, Melvis Vega Garcia, Fernando Ruiz Patiño, Universidad Autonoma de Baja California,Tijuana,Mexico

Comprehensive Characterization of Fine Particulate Matter from Southeastern United States: Implications for Composition, Origins, and Atmospheric Processing of Organic Aerosol. HAOFEI ZHANG, Lindsay Yee, David Worton, Gabriel Isaacman-VanWertz, Nathan Kreisberg, Steven Spielman, Susanne Hering, Allen H. Goldstein, University of California, Berkeley

Coupled AMS and Radiocarbon Analysis of Organic Aerosols for a Yearly Cycle in Magadino. ATHANASIA VLACHOU, Kaspar Rudolf Daellenbach, Carlo Bozzetti, Francesco Canonaco, Gary Salazar, Konstantinos Agrios, Soenke Szidat, Urs Baltensperger, Imad El Haddad, Andre Prévôt, Paul Scherrer Institute

Distinct Seasonal Differences in Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation from In-situ Oxidation of Near-highway Air. PROVAT SAHA, Stephen Reece, Andrew Grieshop, North Carolina State University

Drying-Induced Evaporation of Secondary Organic Aerosols during Summer. Marwa El-Sayed, Dziedzorm Amenumey, CHRISTOPHER HENNIGAN, University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Effect of Thermal Denuding on Soot Aggregates Structure. JANARJAN BHANDARI, Swarup China, Timothy Onasch, Lindsay Renbaum-Wolff, Paul Davidovits, Eben Cross, Adam Ahern, Manvendra Dubey, Claudio Mazzoleni, Michigan Technological University

Effects of Secondary Organic Aerosol coating on the Morphological Properties of Soot Aggregates from Three Sources. KAISER LEUNG, Elijah G. Schnitzler, Wolfgang Jaeger, Jason S. Olfert, University of Alberta

Evaluation of the Absorption Ångström Exponents for Traffic and Wood Burning in the Aethalometer Based Source Apportionment Using Radiocarbon Measurements of Ambient Aerosol. ANDRE PRÉVÔT, Peter Zotter, Hanna Herich, Martin Gysel, Imad El Haddad, Yanlin Zhang, Grisa Mocnik, Christoph Hueglin, Urs Baltensperger, Soenke Szidat, Paul Scherrer Institute

Evolution of Optical Properties of Brown Carbon Aerosols as a Function of Atmospheric Aging. BENJAMIN SUMLIN, Robert Pattison, Rajan Chakrabarty, Washington University in St Louis

Formation of Secondary Organic Coating on BC Particles and Its Impact on Mixing State of Carbonaceous Aerosol in the Urban Atmosphere. ALEX K. Y. LEE, Raghu Betha, Chia-Li Chen, Jun Liu, Derek Price, Xiaolu Zhang, Jonathan Abbatt, Christopher Cappa, Lynn Russell, University of Toronto

Fourier-Transform Infrared Determination of Organic and Elemental Carbon in the Chemical Speciation Network by Partial Least-Squares: The Importance of Spectra Pretreament on Factor Interpretation. ANDREW WEAKLEY, Ann Dillner, Satoshi Takahama, University of California, Davis

Fractal Scaling of Coated Soot Aggregates. WILLIAM HEINSON, Rajan Chakrabarty, Washington University in St. Louis

Free Tropospheric Brown Carbon: Radiative Impact and Sources. YUZHONG ZHANG, Haviland Forrister, Yuhang Wang, Athanasios Nenes, Rodney J. Weber, Georgia Institute of Technology

How the Characterization and Model Representation of Biomass Burning Emissions Affect SOA Predictions. KELLEY BARSANTI, Lindsay Hatch, Brian K. Lamb, Christine Wiedinmyer, Robert J. Yokelson, Serena H. Chung, University of California, Riverside

Identifying the Main Sources of Brown Carbon in the Atmosphere. IMAD EL HADDAD, Nivedita Kumar, Joel Corbin, Kaspar Rudolf Daellenbach, Dario Massabò, Emily Bruns, Athanasia Vlachou, Carlo Bozzetti, Jay Slowik, Paolo Prati, Urs Baltensperger, Jean-Luc Jaffrezo, Luka Drinovec, Grisa Mocnik, Martin Gysel, Andre Prévôt, Paul Scherrer Institute

Indonesian Peatland Fires Contribution to Haze Pollution over Singapore in 2015. SRI HAPSARI BUDISULISTIORINI, Matthieu Riva, Michael Williams, Takuma Miyakawa, Jing Chen, Jason Surratt, Mikinori Kuwata, Nanyang Technological University

Influence of Wildfires on Aerosol Chemistry in the Western US and Insights into Atmospheric Aging of Biomass Burning Organic Aerosol: Results from BBOP. SHAN ZHOU, Sonya Collier, Dan Jaffe, Nicole Briggs, Jon Hee, Arthur J. Sedlacek, Lawrence Kleinman, Qi Zhang, University of California, Davis

Isolation and Quantification of Black Carbon to Study Climate Impacts. ALLISON AIKEN, Manvendra Dubey, Rahul Zaveri, John Shilling, Alla Zelenyuk, Claudio Mazzoleni, Gavin McMeeking, Ezra Levin, Paul DeMott, Sonia Kreidenweis, Los Alamos National Lab

Light Absorbing Organic Carbon Aerosol Emissions from Cookstoves in India. APOORVA PANDEY, Sameer Patel, Pratim Biswas, Shamsh Pervez, Judith Chow, John Watson, Rajan Chakrabarty, Washington University in St Louis

Mass-specific Extinction and Absorption Spectra of Particles from Kerosene-fueled Simple Wick Lamps. CHRISTOPHER ZANGMEISTER, James Radney, Courtney Grimes, Jessica Young, Rian You, Russell Dickerson, Michael Zachariah, National Institute of Standards and Technology

Molecular Characterization of Brown Carbon in Fine Particulate Matter in China. CAIQING YAN, Yury Desyaterik, Jeffrey Collett, Mei Zheng, Peking University

Molecular Chemistry of Brown Carbon (BrC) in Biomass Burning Aerosols. PENG LIN, Julia Laskin, Sergey Nizkorodov, Alexander Laskin, Nir Bluvshtein, Yinon Rudich, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Molecular Composition of Biomass Burning Aerosol from Household Cookstoves in Rural Haryana, India. Lauren Fleming, SERGEY NIZKORODOV, Donald Blake, Robert Weltman, Rufus Edwards, Peng Lin, Alexander Laskin, Julia Laskin, Kirk Smith, Narendra Arora, Sneha Gautam, Ankit Yadav, University of California, Irvine

Near-source Evolution of Black Carbon Mixing States: Three-dimensional Source-oriented Model Evaluation. ALESHKA CARRION-MATTA, Bo Yang, Hitoshi Matsui, K. Max Zhang, Cornell University

Online Analysis of Secondary Organic Aerosol Emissions from a Flexi-Fuel Gasoline Engine Operated with Gasoline-Ethanol Blends. JORMA JOKINIEMI, Mika Ihalainen, Petri Tiitta, Miika Kortelainen, Martin Sklorz, Benjamin Stengel, Laarnie Müller, Stefan Stanglmaier, Vesta Kohlmeier, Gert Jakobi, Pasi Yli-Pirilä, Anni Hartikainen, Thorsten Streibel, Ralf Zimmermann, Olli Sipppula, University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio, Finland

Primary and Secondary Organic Functional Groups in Vehicle Emissions by Mobile Sources Testing. LYNN RUSSELL, Fabian Hagen, Elizabeth Singh, Jun Liu, Yunliang Zhao, Rawad Saleh, Greg Drozd, Allen H. Goldstein, Allen Robinson, Scripps Institution of Oceanography

Property of Black Carbon Particles Measured by a Laser-Induced Incandescence Technique in the Spring at Noto Peninsula, Japan. FUMIKAZU TAKETANI, Yugo Kanaya, Tomoki Nakayama, Sayako Ueda, Yutaka Matsumi, Yasuhiro Sadanaga, Yoko Iwamoto, Atsushi Matsuki, JAMSTEC

Real-time Measurements of PM2.5, Black Carbon and Brown Carbon In Residential Woodsmoke Plumes. BO YANG, Aleshka Carrion-Matta, Geng Chen, Jiajun Gu, George Allen, James Schwab, H. Dirk Felton, K. Max Zhang, Cornell University

Reduction of Fe(III) by Soot. Hector Casique, Ashleen Reddy, Casey Neumann, ANNE JOHANSEN, Central Washington University

Seasonal Characterization of SOA Formed through the Uptake of Water-Soluble Gases to Aerosol Liquid Water (aqSOA). MARWA EL-SAYED, Christopher Hennigan, University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Seasonal Variaction and Characteristics of Carbonaceous Aerosol in PM2.5 of the Background Atmosphere in Korea. JIYI LEE, Jong Sik Lee, Yu Woon Jang, Eun Sil Kim, Yong Pyo Kim, Chang Hoon Jung, Chosun University

Secondary Organic Carbon (SOC) Estimation Using Several Indirect Techniques and the Evaluation of Their Uncertainties. DEEPCHANDRA SRIVASTAVA, Olivier Favez, Nicolas Bonnaire, Emilie Perraudin, Valérie Gros, Eric Villenave, Alexandre Albinet, INERIS/EPOC, Université Bordeaux, France

Simulating the Combined Effect of Volatility, Multigenerational Chemistry, Unspeciated Precursors and Vapor Wall-Losses on Ambient Organic Aerosol in 3-D Air Quality Model. ALI AKHERATI, Christopher Cappa, Michael Kleeman, Shantanu Jathar, Colorado State University

SOA Formation from OFR Oxidation of Rural and Urban Ambient Air Suggests Widespread Importance of S/IVOC Precursors. BRETT PALM, Amber Ortega, Weiwei Hu, Douglas Day, Pedro Campuzano-Jost, William Brune, Lisa Kaser, Thomas Karl, Hansel Armin, James Hunter, Eben Cross, Jesse Kroll, Martin Graus, Carsten Warneke, Jessica Gilman, Joost de Gouw, Suzane de Sá, Lizabeth Alexander, Scot Martin, Roger Seco, Jeong-Hoo Park, Alex Guenther, Saewung Kim, Jose-Luis Jimenez, et al., CIRES, University of Colorado

Sources and Characteristics of Carbonaceous Aerosol with High-time Resolution Measurement in Beijing, China. MEI ZHENG, Caiqing Yan, Yue Liu, Xiaoying Li, Jinting Yu, Bob Cary, Anthony D.A. Hansen, Peking University

Sources and Evolution of Wintertime Organic Aerosol in the Northeastern US. JASON SCHRODER, Pedro Campuzano-Jost, Douglas Day, Nicola Blake, Alan Hills, Rebecca Hornbrook, Eric Apel, Andrew Weinheimer, Teresa Campos, Viral Shah, Kelsey Larson, Jaegle Lyatt, Jose-Luis Jimenez, CIRES, University of Colorado, Boulder

Spatial and Temporal Trends of Aerosol and Precipitation Chemistry at Four Sites in South Korea, 1997-2015. BEOMCHEOL SHIN, Jo Wan Cha, Sang-bum Ryoo, NIMS, KMA

Study of Vehicle-emitted Nonvolatile Particles in a Traffic Tunnel Using a Thermodenuder: Measurements and Modeling. XIANG LI, Yutong Guo, Timothy Dallmann, Satbir Singh, Albert A. Presto, Carnegie Mellon University

The Aerosol Radiative Effects and Global Burden of Mortality from Uncontrolled Combustion of Domestic Waste. JOHN KODROS, Bonne Ford, David Ridley, Rachel Cucinotta, Christine Wiedinmyer, Ryan Gan, Sheryl Magzamen, Jeffrey R. Pierce, Colorado State University

The Effect of Aging on Brown Carbon Optical Properties Emitted from Biomass Pyrolysis. MARIAM FAWAZ, Benjamin Brem, Tami Bond, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign

The Role of Chemical Aging Reactions and the Production of Extremely Low Volatility Organic Compounds on Ultrafine Particle Concentrations over Europe. David Patoulias, Christos Fountoukis, Jan Julin, Ilona Riipinen, SPYROS PANDIS, Carnegie Mellon University

Trends of Macronutrients in Fractionated Particulate Matter in Rooster House. NANH LOVANH, John Loughrin, Philip Silva, USDA-ARS

Water Solubility of Primary and Secondary Organic Aerosols in an Urban Atmosphere in Hong Kong. Bin Yu Kuang, Peng Lin, X. H. Hilda Huang, Yee Ka Wong, JIAN ZHEN YU, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Water-soluble PM2.5 Composition and Particle Water Content During Wintertime in Fresno, California: Results from DISCOVER-AQ 2013. CAROLINE PARWORTH, Dominique Young, Hwajin Kim, Sonya Collier, Qi Zhang, University of California, Davis